gesture studies (artistic nudity ahead)

I'm a little nervous about posting these because an artist friend of mine is following this blog and is studying animation... at the same time you needn't be nervous about showing things you are practicing on, because it's just practice.

I draw as a hobby so any sort of art-study these days is self-directed... these are 60-second gestural studies using the Figure & Gesture Drawing Tool. I like using this more than Posemaniacs because Posemaniacs doesn't really show the folds of the skin/lighting/etc (though attending a life drawing session in person would be better than either of these.)

There's an option to practice with non-nude models. I've also practiced drawing from fashion photos (lookbook, tumblr, etc.) especially when I want to remember people's outfits.

I'm not very good at line economy (in all my drawings); I don't really lift my pen from the paper, either. I'll try harder next time (though I'm not really sure what I'm trying to aim for with my lines...)

Lately I am drawing with a Uniball 207 Retractable Gel Pen, mostly because it's so portable and I just hook it onto the strap of my sketchbook. Thinking about this reminds me that I want to make an Art Materials post like Philippa's.


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